in university of colombo we were given a project in PHP to develop an emarket for the intranet of UOC. man after all i got a good chance of working in a project of one of the most coolest languages.. PHP.. wow i love it man!..
The only problem is this bugger(who is our teacher of CS) has asked not to use any stuffz from internet.. this is a shit thing and itz making the whole thing a shit! he says that he mite ask us to rewrite the codeings to to chk whdr we hav done any net resources.. hol shit.. after all the assgnmt that i tot, it would be really intrsting has made me feel its another worst..
anyhow wana complete it before diz january.. so working on it.. he he..
This sample web application that i have uploaded here is for the use of taking an help in educational manner towards doing a login and registration page in PHP. This is totally educational purpose. The misuse of this application towards the assignments cannot be taken responsible by the Author of publication and programming.
This application consist a small sample and this can be extend to customized for the need. You can download it here. I have named this as FLOG. check it out!!
The mysql.sql file should be executed in the mysql database and the database name, and mysql login should be redefined in the database.php file (which is included in the pack)
As a response to the requests made by my brother fellaz in UOC im nowadays doing a PHP login application in order to help them in CS assignment. These stuffz would be published in the blog ASAP
Sry for the delay dudes.. I was a bit busy with my work as it made a delay in publishing the pastpapers this time.. hope many got them upto now. But if someone does'nt you can download them here... And by the way exams have been postponded, in other words got some more time to work it out. All the best for the finals.. This may be many of our frinds last exams in SLIIT as many of us would go abroad after 2nd year.. so lets wish all of ours and do the (almost) last exam that we all hope to do together. Cyah..
I didn't had any idea of even thinking about imagine cup compertition after the last exerience, until hirantha came to me and asked to check out the compertition home page. Now i think it's time for a new try toward imagine cup; but for sure without the faults that we had done in the last time.
I like to say to other group members that,
Experience is to learn somthing, not to think and stop taking the risk. So letz take the risk and make the thing happen. Insha Allah!
Pastpapers for the 2008
2nd year 2nd semester mid term are avaliable to download. Simply
click this link to get it
Qpen is a small utility application for portable pen drive management. You can scan the virus automatically when the device is plugged in. You can also set a place to backup the selected files in a pendrive which is plugged in. This backup may not intrupt the normal works done in the pen drive. the utility is designed to work background. So Qpen cam use to protect you PC from virus which is gonna come via pen drives; and this can also be an efficient tool to backup the files in the pen drive which has plugged in. And you can also do this process background; that is not intrupting your normal works. So why wasting time... It's free download it now (448kb).Garenteed : virus free. this small application was developed by me. Show chek it out.. n let me know !
yo buddy things were going cool until the last presidential election.. which cause the war to start again. today there wre 2 blasts in moratuwa and on one in polgolla, kandy. There were days when my mom ask me to be careful in colombo. But now things has changed. I shuld also ask them to be safe, coz the bomb blast today was in the bus which goes to our place, wattegama. two days ago my friend dinusha was also facing a blast. but fortunately she was in the next compartment of the train which has blasted. But nevertheless majority of srilankans love the war. They want to kill the each and every LTTE members. I cant understand why they can't understand that war cannot be ended by fighting. Our army kills them and they target us, the normal people. I cant understand what the hell is going to happen in future. I dont even know wheather i will be alive to post my next post.
Simple and marverlous approch to minimize the effort of CS (counter strike) players (in SLIIT).What do you want when you plug the pen-drive into the PC.what else ? Copy CS to your desktop and PLAY IT!This small software developed by zi'Am (Harsha, 2nd yr, SLIIT) will do this small process. Facing low hard disk space problem in middle of the copying process is also managed in this software. This checks the hard disk space before copying the game and help the player to move to another PC if the space is low.So why waiting download this small exe file to your pen and run it. only for the first time it would ask to show the game path. Select it. and thatz all! have fun!Download NoW! (64kb) virus free !
Get ready for final as soon as the mid finishes. you can download the pastpapers now. (for 2nd year 1st semster final 2002-2005 and 2005-2006)
An unexpected situation occured when we have almost finish the imaginecup project and uploading it. We have never been export our game as a CCPackage before. But at last when we are trying to export it we encounted a fatel error in the we have organized our game. But it was the date we wana submit it. So we did submit the version full of bugs. And after that we try to solve the problem and update the upload again. fortunately or unfortunately we debug it, but couldn't upload it coz we had only 2 hours left. As our ADSL connection is unreliable we didn't take a risk to overlap the previous version that we uploaded earlier. NOw we have the debuged version in our hand, but the compertition intake was over.
I got nothing but the experiance of working as a team to develop a software(game). But our hard work of last few weeks (, without even sleep) was not been able to expressed to the world successfully.
All were writen in our fate before.. and all are for our good... Thanks for Allah for giving me the experiance (even though i missed the prayers for last few weeks..)
Download the SLIIT 2nd year mid term pastpapers from this link Download Now I was unable to update my site. so use this link to download them

But consider that this isrendered in 3Dmax, not in XNA game studio.
As i said earlier, We are doing that imaginecup shit which was conducted by the Microsoft. Anyhow last few days we were doing that project, so seriously as the submission date of the firsat round falls on this Feb 1. Last three days we were debugging the collision day and night, and at last yesterday night, we finished it. Thats the reason that gave me to blog now so freely, relaxed.our imagine cup project team was named SIGMA and consist of four members, Me, Hiratha, Kasun And Ayanthi. This is the pic of our team members....
(from the left : me , Hirantha, Ayanthi, Kasun )
I had been waiting for last few years to have a chat with the one who started open source softwares and specialy GNU/Linux. coz i love them very much.. as i hate to admit that i use microsofts products in my life as i don't have any other choice.
Last week i had a oppertunity not to meet that person, but even to attend one of his speach in SLIIT sri lanka.
If you have listen to that you would probly prefer open source softwares... I will continue this in my next post as my friend is asking me to come back to the work we are doing...
Yah.. we are doing a project to Imagine Cup (yah... itz also from Microsoft) But i think its ok.... as its just a compertition.
Hi everyone, this is my first blog to my blog. I think of updating this with all my stuffs that can be Share with the world and think that will be usefull for others too.